Organic Mafalde IGP - 17.6 oz



In Naples, Mafalde were once known as ‘Fettucelle of the Rich’ and subsequently dedicated to Princess Mafalda of Savoy and renamed “Mafaldine”. These are long, wide, flat noodles with rippled edges that are narrower than lasagna but able to stand up to a rich cream or meat sauce. If tossing with sauce, lasagna and mafalde can be used interchangeably.

The selected semolina wheat used in this pasta is strictly of Italian origin and of the best quality, including the Senatore Capelli variety which is renowned for cooking to al-dente. It also gives the pasta a golden color. Bronze cut pasta molds create a rough and porous texture much like homemade pasta. The low temperature drying method known as cirillo preserves the distinct texture and aroma.


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